School Organization

The day-to-day operations of All Angels are the responsibility of the Director.

Each classroom is run by a lead teacher with the help of a teacher’s assistant.   The teachers plan and implement the daily activities based on the needs of the children.  The teachers work together and with the parents to provide an appropriate environment for the children to explore and experience their own abilities and the world in which they live.

All Angels is governed by a Board of Directors.  The Board is comprised of one member of the St. Michael’s Vestry, members of St. Michael’s parish, parents of children currently attending All Angels, and the Rector of St. Michael’s parish or his or her designee.  The Director of the school is an ex officio member of the Board.  The Vestry of St. Michael’s assumes ultimate responsibility for the school as a ministry of St. Michael and All Angels and according to Church Canons.

All Angels Episcopal Day School is a member of the National Association of Episcopal Schools

Special Programs

All Angels believes in the education of the whole child and we feel our special programs that we offer compliments that philosophy.

Art:  Our art program consists of both free expression and also experimenting with artistic techniques.  The children work with all different kinds of art materials.  Though the children have an open art center in their classrooms, we believe that giving them an opportunity to do collaborative pieces and working with different artistic styles enhances their knowledge.  In the past, students have done fish printing, exploding art and a Chihuly inspired piece.  The school hosts an art show once a year in which the student’s artwork is hung in a Gallery on St. Michael’s Campus.

Music:  Our music program goes beyond just simply singing songs.  It is filled with instruments and musical techniques.  Studies have shown that music education makes the brain work harder, increases spatial-temporal skills and helps with language development.  If you visit a music class at All Angels you will notice that it is one of the favorite times of the week for the kids.

Dance:  Children love to dance and move their bodies.  Dance helps children with self -confidence, balance and spatial awareness.  To encourage children’s love of dance we offer dance once a week as part of our arts curriculum.

Language:  Living in New Mexico, we are surrounded by wonderful traditions and culture.  To supplement this we offer an introduction to Spanish in a developmentally appropriate way.  Children are taught songs, and beginning words.  The classrooms are also labeled in both English and Spanish.

Onsite Field Trips

All Angels believes that supplementary educational opportunities are important for young children.  However, taking young children offsite can be risky and also logistically challenging.  Therefore we bring field trips to the children of All Angels.  Examples of field trips in the past have included:  our annual fall visit from Farmer Leonard and his farm animals, Explora, Exotics of the Rainforest, Butterflies and the Natural History Museum.

Food Program

All Angels participates in the Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP).  We provide a nutritious breakfast and snacks in the morning and afternoon at no cost to you.  In order to enroll your child in the program, we must have each family fill out an enrollment form annually.

Tuition Rates

All Angels has long been committed to provide top-quality affordable preschool for all children. The State of New Mexico, in recent years, has made early childhood education a high priority. We work closely with the state to provide grants, subsidies, and scholarships to all who qualify. Don’t let cost be the reason your child doesn’t come to All Angels.

  • All Angels participates in New Mexico’s Pre-K program. Our Pre-K classrooms are tuition free from 9am to 3pm. Space is intentionally limited, please sign up early. All Pre-K students must attend during the school year Monday-Friday from 9:00a-3:00pm

  • During the school year, we offer paid before and after care Monday-Friday for our Pre-K students. Prices are per month.

    7:00am-9am: $250
    3:00pm-5:30pm: $250

    Discount for Full Day
    Price for both: $450

  • Pre-K grants do not cover 2 year olds and ratios need to be lower for younger kids, so rates are a bit higher. Rates listed are for each month.

    Full Day:
    7am-5:30pm: $1130
    Partial Day 7am-3pm: $910
    Partial Day: 9am-12:30pm: $645

    Monday, Wednesday Friday
    Full Day
    : 7am-5:30pm: $735
    Partial Day
    7am-3pm: $575
    Partial Day:
    9am-12:30pm: $435

    Tuesday; Thursday
    Full Day: 7am-5:30pm: $505
    Partial Day 7am-3pm: $405
    Partial Day: 9am-12:30pm: $290

  • During the summer, New Mexico does not provide Pre-K grants. Tuition Rates are per month during the summer.

    Full Day: 7am-5:30pm: $1025
    Partial Day: 7am-3pm: $925
    Partial Day: 9am-12:30pm: $585

    Monday, Wednesday; Friday
    Full Day: 7am-5:30pm: $670
    Partial Day: 7am-3pm: $520
    Partial Day: 9am-12:30pm: $390

    Tuesday; Thursday
    Full Day: 7am-5:30pm: $460
    Partial Day: 7am-3pm: $370
    Partial Day: 9am-12:30pm: $265

  • All Angels believes early childhood education should be accessible for all. Our board works to make private scholarships available. We also work with the State of New Mexico’s Early Childhood Education and Care Department and with other state agencies to accept subsidies for care.