Welcoming our new Director!
Hello, my name is Monica Muñoz. I am very excited to join the All Angels Day School Community, as the new director! My hopes are to create a collaborative environment amongst our school community that benefits and fosters the growth of all our students and our school. I have been dedicated and working in early childhood for 18 years and I am thrilled to come into a new venture in my career. With the new priorities being implemented in New Mexico for early childhood development, I feel I can best nurture our youngest of learners in my new role, as director.
I have always wanted to be an educator, for as long as I can remember. In the early part of my adult life, I had children and settled into motherhood. When my youngest child was entering pre-k, I decided that I would go to school alongside him and my two other children. I knew instantly that I wanted to go to school to become a teacher. I also knew I wanted to teach and be involved with early childhood. In 2014 I obtained by associates degree in Early Childhood Multicultural Education and became director of a drop-in-daycare. A few years later I began teaching and continued college to obtain my bachelor’s degree. Slowly but surely, I obtainedmy bachelor’s degree in ECME. It has been an incredible journey of growth and I have been formally teaching for 7 years and I have been teaching pre-k in the NM Pre-K program for the last 4 years. Before teaching for NM Pre-K, I worked at a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool with 3-and 4-year-olds. During my time there I grew to love the Reggio approach to teaching and have implemented much of my pedagogy based on this. “Education has to focus on each child, not considered in isolation but in relation with family, other children, the teachers, the environment of the school, the community, the wider society.”-Joanne Hendrick
In my spare time I like to be out in nature, work in my garden, I make pottery and ceramics, and I love spending time with my family, my husband, my kids, and my niece and nephew.
I very much look forward to meeting and getting to know everyone, as well as working and collaborating with each other.